Chapter 2. Packing Information into Names

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Whether you’re naming a variable, a function, or a class, a lot of the same principles apply. We like to think of a name as a tiny comment. Even though there isn’t much room, you can convey a lot of information by choosing a good name.

Key Idea

Pack information into your names.

A lot of the names we see in programs are vague, like tmp. Even words that may seem reasonable, such as size or get, don’t pack much information. This chapter shows you how to pick names that do.

This chapter is organized into six specific topics:

  • Choosing specific words

  • Avoiding generic names (or knowing when to use them)

  • Using concrete names instead of abstract names

  • Attaching extra information to a name, by using a suffix or prefix

  • Deciding how long a name should be

  • Using name formatting to pack extra information

Choose Specific Words

Part of “packing information into names” is choosing words that are very specific and avoiding “empty” words.

For example, the word “get” is very unspecific, as in this example:

def GetPage(url):

The word “get” doesn’t really say much. Does this method get a page from a local cache, from a database, or from the Internet? If it’s from the Internet, a more specific name might be FetchPage() or DownloadPage().

Here’s an example of a BinaryTree class:

class BinaryTree {
    int Size();

What would you expect the Size() method to return? The height of the tree, the number of nodes, or the memory footprint of the tree?

The problem is that Size() doesn’t convey much information. A more specific name would be Height(), NumNodes(), or MemoryBytes().

As another example, suppose you have some sort of Thread class:

class Thread {
    void Stop();

The name Stop() is okay, but depending on what exactly it does, there might be a more specific name. For instance, you might call it Kill() instead, if it’s a heavyweight operation that can’t be undone. Or you might call it Pause(), if there is a way to Resume() it.

Finding More “Colorful” Words

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Don’t be afraid to use a thesaurus or ask a friend for better name suggestions. English is a rich language, and there are a lot of words to choose from.

Here are some examples of a word, as well as more “colorful” versions that might apply to your situation:

senddeliver, dispatch, announce, distribute, route
findsearch, extract, locate, recover
startlaunch, create, begin, open
makecreate, set up, build, generate, compose, add, new

Don’t get carried away, though. In PHP, there is a function to explode() a string. That’s a colorful name, and it paints a good picture of breaking something into pieces, but how is it any different from split()? (The two functions are different, but it’s hard to guess their differences based on the name.)

Key Idea

It’s better to be clear and precise than to be cute.

Avoid Generic Names Like tmp and retval

Names like tmp, retval, and foo are usually cop-outs that mean “I can’t think of a name.” Instead of using an empty name like this, pick a name that describes the entity’s value or purpose.

For example, here’s a JavaScript function that uses retval:

var euclidean_norm = function (v) {
    var retval = 0.0;
    for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i += 1)
        retval += v[i] * v[i];
    return Math.sqrt(retval);

It’s tempting to use retval when you can’t think of a better name for your return value. But retval doesn’t contain much information other than “I am a return value” (which is usually obvious anyway).

A better name would describe the purpose of the variable or the value it contains. In this case, the variable is accumulating the sum of the squares of v. So a better name is sum_squares. This would announce the purpose of the variable upfront and might help catch a bug.

For instance, imagine if the inside of the loop were accidentally:

        retval += v[i];

This bug would be more obvious if the name were sum_squares:

        sum_squares += v[i];  // Where's the "square" that we're summing? Bug!


The name retval doesn’t pack much information. Instead, use a name that describes the variable’s value.

There are, however, some cases where generic names do carry meaning. Let’s take a look at when it makes sense to use them.


Consider the classic case of swapping two variables:

if (right < left) {
    tmp = right;
    right = left;
    left = tmp;

In cases like these, the name tmp is perfectly fine. The variable’s sole purpose is temporary storage, with a lifetime of only a few lines. The name tmp conveys specific meaning to the reader—that this variable has no other duties. It’s not being passed around to other functions or being reset or reused multiple times.

But here’s a case where tmp is just used out of laziness:

String tmp =;
tmp += " " + user.phone_number();
tmp += " " +;
template.set("user_info", tmp);

Even though this variable has a short lifespan, being temporary storage isn’t the most important thing about this variable. Instead, a name like user_info would be more descriptive.

In the following case, tmp should be in the name, but just as a part of it:

tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
SaveData(tmp_file, ...)

Notice that we named the variable tmp_file and not just tmp, because it is a file object. Imagine if we just called it tmp:

SaveData(tmp, ...)

Looking at just this one line of code, it isn’t clear if tmp is a file, a filename, or maybe even the data being written.


The name tmp should be used only in cases when being short-lived and temporary is the most important fact about that variable.

Loop Iterators

Names like i, j, iter, and it are commonly used as indices and loop iterators. Even though these names are generic, they’re understood to mean “I am an iterator.” (In fact, if you used one of these names for some other purpose, it would be confusing—so don’t do that!)

But sometimes there are better iterator names than i, j, and k. For instance, the following loops find which users belong to which clubs:

for (int i = 0; i < clubs.size(); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < clubs[i].members.size(); j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < users.size(); k++)
            if (clubs[i].members[k] == users[j])
                cout << "user[" << j << "] is in club[" << i << "]" << endl;

In the if statement, members[] and users[] are using the wrong index. Bugs like these are hard to spot because that line of code seems fine in isolation:

if (clubs[i].members[k] == users[j])

In this case, using more precise names may have helped. Instead of naming the loop indexes (i,j,k), another choice would be (club_i, members_i, users_i) or, more succinctly (ci, mi, ui). This approach would help the bug stand out more:

if (clubs[ci].members[ui] == users[mi])  # Bug! First letters don't match up.

When used correctly, the first letter of the index would match the first letter of the array:

if (clubs[ci].members[mi] == users[ui])  # OK. First letters match.

The Verdict on Generic Names

As you’ve seen, there are some situations where generic names are useful.


If you’re going to use a generic name like tmp, it, or retval, have a good reason for doing so.

A lot of the time, they’re overused out of pure laziness. This is understandable—when nothing better comes to mind, it’s easier to just use a meaningless name like foo and move on. But if you get in the habit of taking an extra few seconds to come up with a good name, you’ll find your “naming muscle” builds quickly.

Prefer Concrete Names over Abstract Names

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When naming a variable, function, or other element, describe it concretely rather than abstractly.

For example, suppose you have an internal method named ServerCanStart(), which tests whether the server can listen on a given TCP/IP port. The name ServerCanStart() is somewhat abstract, though. A more concrete name would be CanListenOnPort(). This name directly describes what the method will do.

The next two examples illustrate this concept in more depth.


Here’s an example from the codebase at Google. In C++, if you don’t define a copy constructor or assignment operator for your class, a default is provided. Although handy, these methods can easily lead to memory leaks and other mishaps because they’re executed “behind the scenes” in places you might not have realized.

As a result, Google has a convention to disallow these “evil” constructors, using a macro:

class ClassName {


This macro was defined as:

    ClassName(const ClassName&); \ 
    void operator=(const ClassName&);

By placing this macro in the private: section of a class, these two methods become private, so that they can’t be used, even accidentally.

The name DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS isn’t very good, though. The use of the word “evil” conveys an overly strong stance on a debatable issue. More important, it isn’t clear what that macro is disallowing. It disallows the operator=() method, and that isn’t even a “constructor”!

The name was used for years but was eventually replaced with something less provocative and more concrete:

#define DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ClassName) ...

Example: --run_locally

One of our programs had an optional command-line flag named --run_locally. This flag would cause the program to print extra debugging information but run more slowly. The flag was typically used when testing on a local machine, like a laptop. But when the program was running on a remote server, performance was important, so the flag wasn’t used.

You can see how the name --run_locally came about, but it has some problems:

  • A new member of the team didn’t know what it did. He would use it when running locally (imagine that), but he didn’t know why it was needed.

  • Occasionally, we needed to print debugging information while the program ran remotely. Passing --run_locally to a program that is running remotely looks funny, and it’s just confusing.

  • Sometimes we would run a performance test locally and didn’t want the logging slowing it down, so we wouldn’t use --run_locally.

The problem is that --run_locally was named after the circumstance where it was typically used. Instead, a flag name like --extra_logging would be more direct and explicit.

But what if --run_locally needs to do more than just extra logging? For instance, suppose that it needs to set up and use a special local database. Now the name --run_locally seems more tempting because it can control both of these at once.

But using it for that purpose would be picking a name because it’s vague and indirect, which is probably not a good idea. The better solution is to create a second flag named --use_local_database. Even though you have to use two flags now, these flags are much more explicit; they don’t try to smash two orthogonal ideas into one, and they give you the option of using just one and not the other.

Attaching Extra Information to a Name

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As we mentioned before, a variable’s name is like a tiny comment. Even though there isn’t much room, any extra information you squeeze into a name will be seen every time the variable is seen.

So if there’s something very important about a variable that the reader must know, it’s worth attaching an extra “word” to the name. For example, suppose you had a variable that contained a hexadecimal string:

string id;  // Example: "af84ef845cd8"

You might want to name it hex_id instead, if it’s important for the reader to remember the ID’s format.

Values with Units

If your variable is a measurement (such as an amount of time or a number of bytes), it’s helpful to encode the units into the variable’s name.

For example, here is some JavaScript code that measures the load time of a web page:

var start = (new Date()).getTime();  // top of the page
var elapsed = (new Date()).getTime() - start;  // bottom of the page
document.writeln("Load time was: " + elapsed + " seconds");

There is nothing obviously wrong with this code, but it doesn’t work, because getTime() returns milliseconds, not seconds.

By appending _ms to our variables, we can make everything more explicit:

var start_ms = (new Date()).getTime();  // top of the page
var elapsed_ms = (new Date()).getTime() - start_ms;  // bottom of the page
document.writeln("Load time was: " + elapsed_ms / 1000 + " seconds");

Besides time, there are plenty of other units that come up in programming. Here is a table of unitless function parameters, and better versions that include the units:

Function parameterRenaming parameter to encode units
Start(int delay )delay → delay_secs
CreateCache(int size )size → size_mb
ThrottleDownload(float limit)limit → max_kbps
Rotate(float angle)angle → degrees_cw

Encoding Other Important Attributes

This technique of attaching extra information to a name isn’t limited to values with units. You should do it any time there’s something dangerous or surprising about the variable.

For example, many security exploits come from not realizing that some data your program receives is not yet in a safe state. For this, you might want to use variable names like untrustedUrl or unsafeMessageBody. After calling functions that cleanse the unsafe input, the resulting variables might be trustedUrl or safeMessageBody.

The following table shows additional examples of when extra information should be encoded in the name:

SituationVariable nameBetter name
A password is in “plaintext” and should be encrypted before further processingpassword


A user-provided comment that needs escaping before being displayedcomment


Bytes of html have been converted to UTF-8htmlhtml_utf8
Incoming data has been “url encoded”datadata_urlenc

You shouldn’t use attributes like unescaped_ or _utf8 for every variable in your program. They’re most important in places where a bug can easily sneak in if someone mistakes what the variable is, especially if the consequences are dire, as with a security bug. Essentially, if it’s a critical thing to understand, put it in the name.

How Long Should a Name Be?

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When picking a good name, there’s an implicit constraint that the name shouldn’t be too long. No one likes to work with identifiers like this:


The longer a name is, the harder it is to remember, and the more space it consumes on the screen, possibly causing extra lines to wrap.

On the other hand, programmers can take this advice too far, using only single-word (or single-letter) names. So how should you manage this trade-off? How do you decide between naming a variable d, days, or days_since_last_update?

This decision is a judgment call whose best answer depends on exactly how that variable is being used. But here are some guidelines to help you decide.

Shorter Names Are Okay for Shorter Scope

When you go on a short vacation, you typically pack less luggage than if you go on a long vacation. Similarly, identifiers that have a small “scope” (how many other lines of code can “see” this name) don’t need to carry as much information. That is, you can get away with shorter names because all that information (what type the variable is, its initial value, how it’s destroyed) is easy to see:

if (debug) {
    map<string,int> m;

Even though m doesn’t pack any information, it’s not a problem, because the reader already has all the information she needs to understand this code.

However, suppose m were a class member or a global variable, and you saw this snippet of code:


This code is much less readable, as it’s unclear what the type or purpose of m is.

So if an identifier has a large scope, the name needs to carry enough information to make it clear.

Typing Long Names—Not a Problem Anymore

There are many good reasons to avoid long names, but “they’re harder to type” is no longer one of them. Every programming text editor we’ve seen has “word completion” built in. Surprisingly, most programmers aren’t aware of this feature. If you haven’t tried this feature on your editor yet, please put this book down right now and try it:

  1. Type the first few characters of the name.

  2. Trigger the word-completion command (see below).

  3. If the completed word is not correct, keep triggering the command until the correct name appears.

It’s surprisingly accurate. It works on any type of file, in any language. And it works for any token, even if you’re typing a comment.

EmacsMeta-/ (hit ESC, then /)
IntelliJ IDEAAlt-/

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Programmers sometimes resort to acronyms and abbreviations to keep their names small—for example, naming a class BEManager instead of BackEndManager. Is this shrinkage worth the potential confusion?

In our experience, project-specific abbreviations are usually a bad idea. They appear cryptic and intimidating to those new to the project. Given enough time, they even start to appear cryptic and intimidating to the authors.

So our rule of thumb is: would a new teammate understand what the name means? If so, then it’s probably okay.

For example, it’s fairly common for programmers to use eval instead of evaluation, doc instead of document, str instead of string. So a new teammate seeing FormatStr() will probably understand what that means. However, he or she probably won’t understand what a BEManager is.

Throwing Out Unneeded Words

Sometimes words inside a name can be removed without losing any information at all. For instance, instead of ConvertToString(), the name ToString() is smaller and doesn’t lose any real information. Similarly, instead of DoServeLoop(), the name ServeLoop() is just as clear.

Use Name Formatting to Convey Meaning

The way you use underscores, dashes, and capitalization can also pack more information in a name. For example, here is some C++ code that follows the formatting conventions used for Google open source projects:

static const int kMaxOpenFiles = 100;

class LogReader {
    void OpenFile(string local_file);

    int offset_;

Having different formats for different entities is like a form of syntax highlighting—it helps you read the code more easily.

Most of the formatting in this example is pretty common—using CamelCase for class names, and using lower_separated for variable names. But some of the other conventions may have surprised you.

For instance, constant values are of the form kConstantName instead of CONSTANT_NAME. This style has the benefit of being easily distinguished from #define macros, which are MACRO_NAME by convention.

Class member variables are like normal variables, but must end with an underscore, like offset_. At first, this convention may seem strange, but being able to instantly distinguish members from other variables is very handy. For instance, if you’re glancing through the code of a large method, and see the line:


you might ordinarily wonder, Does stats belong to this class? Is this code changing the internal state of the class? If the member_ convention is used, you can quickly conclude, No, stats must be a local variable. Otherwise it would be named stats_.

Other Formatting Conventions

Depending on the context of your project or language, there may be other formatting conventions you can use to make names contain more information.

For instance, in JavaScript: The Good Parts (Douglas Crockford, O’Reilly, 2008), the author suggests that “constructors” (functions intended to be called with new) should be capitalized and that ordinary functions should start with a lowercase letter:

var x = new DatePicker();  // DatePicker() is a "constructor" function
var y = pageHeight();      // pageHeight() is an ordinary function

Here’s another JavaScript example: when calling the jQuery library function (whose name is the single character $), a useful convention is to prefix jQuery results with $ as well:

var $all_images = $("img");  // $all_images is a jQuery object
var height = 250;            // height is not

Throughout the code, it will be clear that $all_images is a jQuery result object.

Here’s a final example, this time about HTML/CSS: when giving an HTML tag an id or class attribute, both underscores and dashes are valid characters to use in the value. One possible convention is to use underscores to separate words in IDs and dashes to separate words in classes:

<div id="middle_column" class="main-content"> ...

Whether you decide to use conventions like these is up to you and your team. But whichever system you use, be consistent across your project.


The single theme for this chapter is: pack information into your names. By this, we mean that the reader can extract a lot of information just from reading the name.

Here are some specific tips we covered:

  • Use specific words—for example, instead of Get, words like Fetch or Download might be better, depending on the context.

  • Avoid generic names like tmp and retval, unless there’s a specific reason to use them.

  • Use concrete names that describe things in more detail—the name ServerCanStart() is vague compared to CanListenOnPort().

  • Attach important details to variable names—for example, append _ms to a variable whose value is in milliseconds or prepend raw_ to an unprocessed variable that needs escaping.

  • Use longer names for larger scopes—don’t use cryptic one- or two-letter names for variables that span multiple screens; shorter names are better for variables that span only a few lines.

  • Use capitalization, underscores, and so on in a meaningful way—for example, you can append “_” to class members to distinguish them from local variables.
