Engineering is all about breaking down big problems into smaller ones and putting the solutions for those problems back together. Applying this principle to code makes it more robust and easier to read.
The advice for this chapter is to aggressively identify and extract unrelated subproblems. Here’s what we mean:
Look at a given function or block of code, and ask yourself, “What is the high-level goal of this code?”
For each line of code, ask, “Is it working directly to that goal? Or is it solving an unrelated subproblem needed to meet it?”
If enough lines are solving an unrelated subproblem, extract that code into a separate function.
Extracting code into separate functions is something you probably do every day. But for this chapter, we decided to focus on the specific case of extracting unrelated subproblems, where the extracted code is blissfully unaware of why it’s being called.
As you’ll see, it’s an easy technique to apply but can improve your code substantially. Yet for some reason, many programmers don’t use this technique enough. The trick is to actively look for these unrelated subproblems.
In this chapter, we will go through a variety of examples that illustrate this technique for different situations you might run into.
The high-level goal of the following JavaScript code is, find the location that’s closest to a given point (don’t get bogged down by the advanced geometry, which we’ve italicized):
// Return which element of 'array' is closest to the given latitude/longitude. // Models the Earth as a perfect sphere. var findClosestLocation = function (lat, lng, array) { var closest; var closest_dist = Number.MAX_VALUE; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) { // Convert both points to radians. var lat_rad = radians(lat); var lng_rad = radians(lng); var lat2_rad = radians(array[i].latitude); var lng2_rad = radians(array[i].longitude); // Use the "Spherical Law of Cosines" formula. var dist = Math.acos(Math.sin(lat_rad) * Math.sin(lat2_rad) + Math.cos(lat_rad) * Math.cos(lat2_rad) * Math.cos(lng2_rad - lng_rad)); if (dist < closest_dist) { closest = array[i]; closest_dist = dist; } } return closest; };
Most of the code inside the
loop is working on an unrelated subproblem: Compute the
spherical distance between two lat/long points. Because there
is so much of that code, it makes sense to extract it into a separate
var spherical_distance = function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) {
var lat1_rad = radians(lat1);
var lng1_rad = radians(lng1);
var lat2_rad = radians(lat2);
var lng2_rad = radians(lng2);
// Use the "Spherical Law of Cosines" formula.
return Math.acos(Math.sin(lat1_rad) * Math.sin(lat2_rad) +
Math.cos(lat1_rad) * Math.cos(lat2_rad) *
Math.cos(lng2_rad - lng1_rad));
Now the remaining code becomes:
var findClosestLocation = function (lat, lng, array) {
var closest;
var closest_dist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) {
var dist = spherical_distance(lat, lng, array[i].latitude, array[i].longitude);
if (dist < closest_dist) {
closest = array[i];
closest_dist = dist;
return closest;
This code is far more readable because the reader can focus on the high-level goal without getting distracted by intense geometry equations.
As an added bonus,
will be easier to
test in isolation. And spherical_distance()
is the type of function
that could be reused in the future. This is why it’s an “unrelated”
subproblem—it’s completely self-contained and unaware of how applications
are using it.
There is a core set of basic tasks that most programs do, such as manipulating strings, using hash tables, and reading/writing files.
Often, these “basic utilities”
are implemented by the built-in libraries in your programming language.
For instance, if you want to read the entire contents of a file, in PHP you can call file_get_contents("filename")
, or in
Python, you can do open("filename").read()
But sometimes you have to fill in the gaps yourself. In C++, for instance, there is no succinct way to read an entire file. Instead, you inevitably end up writing code like this:
ifstream file(file_name); // Calculate the file's size, and allocate a buffer of that size. file.seekg(0, ios::end); const int file_size = file.tellg(); char* file_buf = new char [file_size]; // Read the entire file into the buffer. file.seekg(0, ios::beg);, file_size); file.close(); ...
This is a classic
example of an unrelated subproblem that should be extracted into a new
function like ReadFileToString()
. Now,
the rest of your codebase can act as if C++ did have
a ReadFileToString()
In general, if you
find yourself thinking, “I wish our library had an XYZ()
function,” go ahead and write it!
(Assuming it doesn’t already exist.) Over time, you’ll build up a nice
collection of utility code that can be used across projects.
When debugging
JavaScript, programmers often use alert()
to pop up a message box that displays
some information to the programmer, the Web’s version of “printf()
debugging.” For example, the following
function call submits data to the server using Ajax and then displays the dictionary returned from the
ajax_post({ url: '', data: data, on_success: function (response_data) { var str = "{\n"; for (var key in response_data) { str += " " + key + " = " + response_data[key] + "\n"; } alert(str + "}"); // Continue handling 'response_data' ... } });
The high-level goal of this
code is, Make an Ajax call to the server, and handle the
response. But a lot of the code is solving the unrelated
subproblem, Pretty-print a dictionary. It’s easy to
extract that code into a function like format_pretty(obj)
var format_pretty = function (obj) { var str = "{\n"; for (var key in obj) { str += " " + key + " = " + obj[key] + "\n"; } return str + "}"; };
There are a lot of reasons
why extracting format_pretty()
is a
good idea. It makes the calling code simpler, and format_pretty()
is a handy function to have
But there’s another
great reason that’s not as obvious: it’s easier
to improve format_pretty()
when the code is by itself. When you’re working
on a smaller function in isolation, it feels easier to add features,
improve reliability, take care of edge cases, and so on.
Here are some cases format_pretty(obj)
doesn’t handle:
Before we separated format_pretty()
into its own function, it
would have felt like a lot of work to make all these improvements. (In
fact, recursively printing nested objects is very difficult without a
separate function.)
But now, adding this functionality is easy. Here’s what the improved code looks like:
var format_pretty = function (obj, indent) { // Handle null, undefined, strings, and non-objects. if (obj === null) return "null"; if (obj === undefined) return "undefined"; if (typeof obj === "string") return '"' + obj + '"'; if (typeof obj !== "object") return String(obj); if (indent === undefined) indent = ""; // Handle (non-null) objects. var str = "{\n"; for (var key in obj) { str += indent + " " + key + " = "; str += format_pretty(obj[key], indent + " ") + "\n"; } return str + indent + "}"; };
This covers the shortcomings listed previously and produces output like this:
{ key1 = 1 key2 = true key3 = undefined key4 = null key5 = { key5a = { key5a1 = "hello world" } } }
functions ReadFileToString()
are great examples of
unrelated subproblems. They’re so basic and widely applicable that they
are likely to be reused across projects. Codebases often have a special directory for code like this (e.g.,
) so that it can be easily
General-purpose code is great because it’s completely decoupled from the rest of your project. Code like this is easier to develop, easier to test, and easier to understand. If only all of your code could be like this!
Think about many of the powerful libraries and systems that you use, such as SQL databases, JavaScript libraries, and HTML templating systems. You don’t have to worry about their internals—those codebases are completely isolated from your project. As a result, your project’s codebase remains small.
The more of your project you can break away as isolated libraries, the better, because the rest of your code will be smaller and easier to think about.
Ideally, the subproblems you extract would be completely project-agnostic. But even if they’re not, that’s okay. Breaking off subproblems still works wonders.
Here is an example from a
business reviews website. This Python code creates a new Business
object and sets its name
, url
and date_created
business = Business() = request.POST["name"] url_path_name = url_path_name = re.sub(r"['\.]", "", url_path_name) url_path_name = re.sub(r"[^a-z0-9]+", "-", url_path_name) url_path_name = url_path_name.strip("-") business.url = "/biz/" + url_path_name business.date_created = datetime.datetime.utcnow() business.save_to_database()
The url
is supposed to be a “clean” version of the
. For example, if the name
is “A.C. Joe’s Tire & Smog, Inc.,” the
will be "/biz/ac-joes-tire-smog-inc"
The unrelated subproblem in this code is: Turn a name into a valid URL. We can extract this code quite easily. While we’re at it, we can also precompile the regular expressions (and give them readable names):
CHARS_TO_REMOVE = re.compile(r"['\.]+")
CHARS_TO_DASH = re.compile(r"[^a-z0-9]+")
def make_url_friendly(text):
text = text.lower()
text = CHARS_TO_REMOVE.sub('', text)
text = CHARS_TO_DASH.sub('-', text)
return text.strip("-")
Now the original code has a much more “regular” pattern:
business = Business() = request.POST["name"] business.url = "/biz/" + make_url_friendly( business.date_created = datetime.datetime.utcnow() business.save_to_database()
This code requires far less effort to read because you aren’t distracted by the regular expressions and deep string manipulation.
Where should you put
the code for make_url_friendly()
? It
seems like a fairly general function, so it might make sense to put it in
a separate util/
directory. On the
other hand, those regular expressions were designed with U.S. business
names in mind, so perhaps the code should stay in the same file where it’s
used. It actually doesn’t matter that much, and you can easily move the
definition later on. What’s more important is that make_url_friendly()
was extracted at
Everybody loves when a library offers a clean interface—one that takes few arguments, doesn’t need much setup, and generally requires little effort to use. It makes your code look elegant: simple and powerful at the same time.
But if an interface you’re using isn’t clean, you can still make your own “wrapper” functions that are.
For example, dealing with
browser cookies in JavaScript is far from ideal. Conceptually, cookies are a set of
name/value pairs. But the interface the browser provides presents a single
string whose syntax
name1=value1; name2=value2; ...
To find the cookie you want,
you’re forced to parse this giant string yourself. Here’s an example of
code that reads the value for the cookie named "max_results"
var max_results; var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var c = cookies[i]; c = c.replace(/^[ ]+/, ''); // remove leading spaces if (c.indexOf("max_results=") === 0) max_results = Number(c.substring(12, c.length)); }
Wow, that’s some ugly code.
Clearly, there’s a get_cookie()
function waiting to be made so that we can just write:
var max_results = Number(get_cookie("max_results"));
Creating or changing a cookie
value is even stranger. You have to set document.cookie
to a value with an exact
document.cookie = "max_results=50; expires=Wed, 1 Jan 2020 20:53:47 UTC; path=/";
That statement looks like it would overwrite all other existing cookies, but (magically) it doesn’t!
A more ideal interface to setting a cookie would be something like:
set_cookie(name, value, days_to_expire);
Erasing a cookie is also unintuitive: you have to set the cookie to expire in the past. Instead, an ideal interface would be simply:
The lesson here is that you should never have to settle for an interface that’s less than ideal. You can always create your own wrapper functions to hide the ugly details of an interface you’re stuck with.
A lot of code in a program is there just to support other code—for example, setting up inputs to a function or postprocessing the output. This “glue” code often has nothing to do with the real logic of your program. Mundane code like this is a great candidate to be pulled out into separate functions.
For example, let’s say you
have a Python dictionary containing sensitive user information like
{ "username": "...", "password": "..."
and you need to put all that information into a URL. Because
it’s sensitive, you decide to encrypt the dictionary first, using
a Cipher
But Cipher
expects a string of bytes as input, not a
dictionary. And Cipher
returns a string
of bytes, but we need something that’s URL-safe. Cipher
also takes a number of extra parameters
and is pretty cumbersome to use.
What started as a simple task turns into a lot of glue code:
user_info = { "username": "...", "password": "..." } user_str = json.dumps(user_info) cipher = Cipher("aes_128_cbc", key=PRIVATE_KEY, init_vector=INIT_VECTOR, op=ENCODE) encrypted_bytes = cipher.update(user_str) encrypted_bytes += # flush out the current 128 bit block url = "" + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(encrypted_bytes) ...
Even though the problem we’re tackling is Encrypt the user’s information into a URL, the majority of this code is just doing Encrypt this Python object into a URL-friendly string. It’s easy to extract that subproblem:
def url_safe_encrypt(obj):
obj_str = json.dumps(obj)
cipher = Cipher("aes_128_cbc", key=PRIVATE_KEY, init_vector=INIT_VECTOR, op=ENCODE)
encrypted_bytes = cipher.update(obj_str)
encrypted_bytes += # flush out the current 128 bit block
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(encrypted_bytes)
Then, the resulting code to execute the real logic of the program is simple:
user_info = { "username": "...", "password": "..." }
url = "" + url_safe_encrypt(user_info)
As we said at the beginning of the chapter, our goal is to “aggressively identify and extract unrelated subproblems.” We say “aggressively” because most coders aren’t aggressive enough. But it’s possible to get overexcited and take things too far.
For example, the code from the previous section could have been broken down much further, like this:
user_info = { "username": "...", "password": "..." } url = "" + url_safe_encrypt_obj(user_info) def url_safe_encrypt_obj(obj): obj_str = json.dumps(obj) return url_safe_encrypt_str(obj_str) def url_safe_encrypt_str(data): encrypted_bytes = encrypt(data) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(encrypted_bytes) def encrypt(data): cipher = make_cipher() encrypted_bytes = cipher.update(data) encrypted_bytes += # flush out any remaining bytes return encrypted_bytes def make_cipher(): return Cipher("aes_128_cbc", key=PRIVATE_KEY, init_vector=INIT_VECTOR, op=ENCODE)
Introducing all these tiny functions actually hurts readability, because the reader has more to keep track of, and following the path of execution requires jumping around.
There is a small (but tangible) readability cost of adding a new function to your code. In the previous case, nothing is being gained to offset this cost. It may make sense to add these smaller functions if they’re needed by other parts of your project. But until then, there is no need.
A simple way to think about this chapter is to separate the generic code from the project-specific code. As it turns out, most code is generic. By building a large set of libraries and helper functions to solve the general problems, what’s left will be a small core of what makes your program unique.
The main reason this technique helps is that it lets the programmer focus on smaller, well-defined problems that are detached from the rest of your project. As a result, the solutions to those subproblems tend to be more thorough and correct. You might also be able to reuse them later.